Community Coaching and Training
Partner Organisations

We aim to partner with the following organisations:
UK Online Centres
Local Authorities (Medway, Kent)
Fund and Grant organisation
Local Employers
Local Trusts
Voluntary Sector Organisations
Small Medium Enterprises
If you fall into one of these categories and would like to work with us we would love to hear from you.
Click here to get in touch.
CCT is a UK Online Centre and we deliver Basic online and Online plus courses for anyone in the community. Courses range from using computers to jobsearch skills, completing public and private sector forms, health courses, literacy and numeracy skill and many more...
Furthermore, the centre aims to engage local organisations, SMEs and recruitment agencies to assist with work experience or voluntary placement for our client groups to put course theory into practice and gain the necessary experience to prepare them for employment.
Through our work placement exercises, the calibre of our programme participants has encourage organisations to retain our end users with CCT being the first point of contact for request for industry-ready employee.
The end point therefore is that CCT can help the local community, potential employers and employees alike, and improve the levels and quality of employment within the area.
We engage in marketing the participants in our training programmes by organising local employer’s events and job fairs which can give employers direct access to our trainees and vice versa.
In order to provide all this training and programmes to those who need it most but may not be able to support the financial cost, CCT continues to seek funding and work with grant organisations to provide free and subsidised training so that disadvantaged people are afforded opportunities they may not have otherwise had access to.
All our work centres around providing our clients with skills for work and connecting them to organisations that will help them maintain a successful and sustainable career path.