Community Coaching and Training
About Us
The concept of CCT was birthed in 2009 after many years of advising and guiding teenagers, young and single parents in taking hold of their future and achieving the best. CCT aims to bridge the gaps in industries by providing help and support to potential employees.​ It is a social enterprise with the intention of being registered as a charity.
Issues relating to teenage pregnancy, young parents and single parent families have never ceased to fill our tabloids over the decades. They have become major issues for the government and as such various strategies to tackle the increasing concerns are being considered by the local authorities and government departments.
Policies are being put in place to reduce teen pregnancy, eradicate child poverty and abuse as well as other issues relating to single parenting, teenage pregnancy and young parenting. In the setting out of CCT's vision and the initiatives planned to follow, we hope to shed some light on the aforementioned issues and to assist in providing better practical solutions to people in our community.
Community Coaching and Training (CCT) Ltd’s vision is to be the best and most distinguished provider of coaching and upskilling services to teens, young people and single parents of all ages in Medway, Kent and the whole of the South East of England.
We aim to operate a training model of distinction for the South East of England that is easily transferrable throughout the rest of the United Kingdom.
Mission statement
CCT demonstrates stewardship in action by “empowering the disadvantaged teen, young and single parent in the community through inspiration, motivation and practical training"
Board of Trustees
CCT Board of trustees act as the guardians of public interest who are responsible for determining the policy and setting the strategic direction within the policy and resources framework. They monitor the organisation’s performance against its agreed objectives and are the adviser to the Director, while also assisting in fundraising and ensuring compliance of every division.
Currently, the board has members ranging from various professional background including; Legal, Human Resources, Healthcare, Local counsellor, Accountant, Teenage parent, Single parent and a Business mentor.
The board’s commitment level is to meet three times a year to perform their role and also when required to hold additional meetings which can be through conference calls.

Our Team of Experts​
We have a signed up team of professionals with experience across areas in:​
Mental Health and Wellbeing
Social Services
Financial industries
Business Consultancy
Human Resources
Our signed up professionals who cut across various fields such as are mentioned on this page are committed to share their skills to facilitate workshops and coaching in conjunction with employability training at the CCT centre and other community venues in Medway.
Our Key Project Aims
Equip single parents of all ages with practical life skills and marketable abilities to contribute to the local economy.
Positively impact the community’s Teenage and Young Parent (TYP) demographic alongside the wider community by reducing the number of unemployed young parents and encouraging continuing education.
Broaden the horizons of local young people through development of skills, traineeships and work placement to gain economic empowerment
Deliver business start-up initiatives, training and support to stimulate the local economy.
Facilitate training, coaching, mentoring and counselling agendas.
Click here for a list of former and ongoing projects.