Community Coaching and Training
Lone Parents Research Project
The Lone Parents Resource Project is aimed at equipping and empowering single parents of all ages in readiness for sustainable jobs and enhancement of career pathways. It is available for both unemployed and employed single parents on benefits and/or low income. It also aims to promote social inclusion and participation in the community through CCT's various other projects to develop our end user’s confidence. This project supports disadvantaged target groups (including teens, young and single parents) in confidence building and getting more rewarding, sustainable work through access to a variety of relevant certificated training courses tailored towards their employability needs.
The Lone Parents Resource Project is set up to empower single parents with practical skills and experience alongside their qualifications. It also assists them step by step through job search, the recruitment process and making positive progress in the work environment.
We give one-to-one support through motivation and confidence building classes where they get involved in various community projects at CCT and have the opportunity to build leadership skills through heading project teams and planning events.
When participants start as team members we ensure they progress to the level of project lead in order to boost their confidence and ability to stand in front of people, tackle situations head on and solve problems. We also help them through coaching and mentoring to work on realistic career goals and identify key training pathways to follow.
Where we are not able to fully deliver provisions we signpost end user's to partner organisations who can help them rest of the way.

This Project was funded by Award for All, part of the Big Lottery Fund, from January to December 2015 for Single Parents of all ages in Medway, Kent.

Weekly Activities
Times : 10am - 2pm
Monday: Motivation and Confidence Training
Tuesday: Overcoming Barrier to Work
Wednesday : Online Training
Thursday: Job Club and Business club
Other events
Quarterly Outreach
Coffee mornings
Contact us to register or for more information
Our Key Aims
The Lone Parents Resource Project aims are:
Equipping and empowering single parents of all ages in readiness for sustainable jobs
Enhancement of career pathways.
Availablility to the unemployed as well as employed single parents on benefits and low income.
Promoting social inclusion and participation in the community
Engagement in various projects through CCT to develop end user’s confidence
This project will support the disadvantaged targeted group including teens, young and single parents in:
Confidence building
Getting sustainable employment
Empowerment through various certificated trainings
Tailoring deliveries to individual needs.

Our Sessions
Sessions and workshops we have explore span a list of areas including:
Motivation and confidence building sessions
Overcoming barriers to employment
Realistic career exploration
Personal Development
Building the capacity of participants through various training and learning platforms (i.e coaching, mentoring, formal training, e-learning etc)
Back to work preparation (CV, Interviews skills, letters writing, Jobsearch, etc)
Hands on skills and experience (Voluntary and Work Experience placements)
Information, advice and signposting
Leading on Projects
Business plan and document production
Business ideas, guidance and development